Im Herzen einer kleinen Stadt begann die inspirierende Reise des Inklusionshotels „Kaspars Haus“. Die Vision entstand aus dem tiefen Wunsch, nicht nur ein Ort der Gastfreundschaft zu sein, sondern auch eine Oase der Inklusion und Vielfalt zu schaffen. Die Gründer, motiviert von der Überzeugung, dass jeder Mensch unabhängig von seinen Fähigkeiten einen wertvollen Beitrag leisten kann, setzten sich entschlossen für die Verwirklichung dieses einzigartigen Konzepts ein.
The name “Kaspar's House” was not chosen by chance. It is reminiscent of a close friend of the founders, Kaspar, who always had a smile on his face despite his different abilities and whose positive attitude enriched the lives of everyone around him. This positive energy was to be reflected throughout the hotel.
The renovation and design of the premises was carried out with the highest standards of accessibility in mind. From the thoughtfully designed entrances to the accessible rooms, every aspect has been carefully planned to ensure maximum comfort for all guests. But Kaspar's Haus goes far beyond physical accessibility - it is a place that promotes cultural and social inclusion.
Kaspar's Haus employees are not only experts in their craft, but also represent the broad diversity of the company. The hotel offers work opportunities for people with different skills and backgrounds, and training is provided with the aim of creating an environment in which everyone can develop their full potential.
The culinary journey at the hotel is also a celebration of diversity. The in-house restaurant not only serves exquisitely prepared dishes, but also provides a platform for local chefs with special skills. Guests have the opportunity not only to enjoy delicious meals, but also to learn about the chefs' stories and diversity of talent.
Kaspar's Haus is not just a hotel - it is a living example of inclusion, community and humanity. With every visitor who crosses the threshold, the hotel continues its mission to make the world a little more inclusive and welcoming. This journey is just the beginning, and Kaspar's Haus invites everyone to become part of this moving story and experience the power of inclusion together.